Performance Management and Compliance

With vast amount of relevant experience in regulatory affairs, ORYX is your trusted partner to ensure full compliance to all the local healthcare rules and regulations.  We achieve this through mapping and optimizing your processes to manage your performance and monitor alignment with the set mandated regulatory indicators. We assist in creating policies and procedures […]

International Accreditation Support

International accreditation of healthcare facilities brings the hallmark to the services of any healthcare organization. In UAE hospitals, day surgery centers and clinical laboratories are mandated as per local and federal regulations to achieve international accreditation to their facilities within 18 months of operation. We aim to fulfill the vision of UAE healthcare sector of […]

Integrated Solution for Healthcare Investment

Giving advices. Business people and manager working on their new project in classroom

Investment in healthcare sector is influenced by many factors. It requires a multifaceted approach to understand the underlying drivers, technological advancement, changing demographics of population, insurance trends, government regulations. Our team will provide prospective investors with analytical business insights to ensure healthy return on investments. ORYX can ease the journey of a healthcare investor by […]

Healthcare Strategy Development

Close-up shot of Insurance broker is introducing a health insurance program with his tablet.

We support our partners to develop sustainable strategies to achieve their objectives and goals. We adopt a collaborative approach to explore the opportunities, chart practical implementation plans, review and establish key performance indicators that measure the progress, mitigate risks and ensure successful delivery. Two main areas that our team has successfully pioneered in Dubai and […]